
I would think just about everyone that uses DAZ Studio or Poser (and a good deal of other 3D enthusiasts) would have come across Stonemason’s amazing environments, and props. His works range from small robots to sprawling cityscapes, both of the present and the future. His creations are featured in hundreds if not thousands of renders posted on various art and 3D sites like deviantArt, Renderosity, and DAZ3D. Stonemason’s store page at DAZ 3D.

scifi image: 0530, Day Of by pjcubinas

0530, Day Of by pjacubinas
Fantastic example of a number of Stonemason’s creations put to work.

The other night I was lucky enough to stumble upon a post on Stonemason’s Facebook page which linked to a YouTube clip of him doing a quick model. The speed and precision with which he works here is impressive and something to aspire to.

A short film that incorporates his latest creation, and a fantastic demonstration of how CGI has come within the reach of the small indie film maker.